Thank A Staff
NEF’s Thank A Staff program is the perfect way to show your appreciation. Donate to the Northville Educational Foundation in honor of your child’s teachers, staff, admin, para pros, coaches, counselors, support staff . . . any Northville School employee who you are thankful for!
Each honored person will receive a certificate personalized with their name, and your student’s or family name, your special message, PLUS a gift that will remind them every day how much you appreciate them. Certificate/gift packages will be delivered by NEF in June.
One certificate & gift per $15 donation ~or~ donate $125 for ten certificates & gifts!
Proceeds from Thank A Staff will help NEF support District programs and initiatives! We raised over $8,000 last year during this campaign. This year we are hoping to raise much more!
It’s a great way to express your appreciation and provide additional funding to support our teachers and students across the district. Plus: Your donation is 100% tax-deductible.
Ordering for Thank A Staff Campaign will be available: Monday, April 25th - Monday, May 23rd
Questions? Please contact us at: or 248.344.3503.
Thank you Michigan Educational Credit Union for partnering with us again this year!
2022 Thank a Staff Campaign Order Form
One certificate & gift per $15 donation or donate $125 for ten certificates & gifts!
Ordering Thank-A-Staff Certificates is a two part process:
1) Fill out the Order Form with the certificate information.
2) Fill out the Payment information.
If you already submitted your certificate information but still need to submit payment, click here.
Below is the Order Form. When you are finished completing it, hit NEXT (one time). You will then be taken to the Payment Form.
1) Please fill out one line for each of the certificates you order.
2) If you are giving one teacher more than one certificate, still complete a line with their name for each certificate you order for them.
3) For the "Recipient Staff Name/s" column, please use the full first name AND last name of the staff member, and not just their title (i.e. not just Mr., Mrs. Smith). This will help ensure the certificates get to the person for whom they are meant.
4) After completing the form, select NEXT. You will then be directed to the payment screen.
For a full list of staff members by building, click here. If ordering more than ten, please enter a second order.
If you would prefer to order yours by mail, click here to download an order form.